So the Old Lady went to great lengths for our second anniversary to commission a cake in the same style as our wedding cake - "Basket-weave" something or other. She ordered it a week ago, and when it came time to pick it up, there was a problem. The Old Lady's initials happen to be the same as Khloe Kardashian, someone famous for being famous, or famous for being on reality TV, or for being the sister of someone famous for being on reality TV. (If you can't tell by my dissmissive tone, I am attempting to communicate how above the TMZ-celebrity culture I am, because if I kept typing, I might let it slip that I follow thesuperficial.com...Whups! I only visit the site for the nudity, I swear!)
It turns out, our anniversary cake was labled "KK," and it got tossed in the lot with Khloe. Bitch stole my cake!
...And fiscal troubles are just the tip of the iceberg. California's percentage of adults without at least a high-school education is the second-highest in the nation (and the fact that 72% of those without diplomas are immigrants only fuels the state's growing problem of social stratification). The Commonwealth Fund has ranked the quality of California's health care lowest of the 50 states. The state has the highest rate of criminal recidivism in the country. It has six of the ten worst cities in the country in air pollution. Los Angeles and San Francisco have some of the most congested roads in the nation, which costs the state's employers billions in lost productivity each year. The state is seriously discussing mandatory water rationing, and has in recent years experienced severe disruptions of its electricity supply. Unemployment is over 11%, and a recent survey of corporate CEOs ranked California the worst state in the country in which to do business. It is losing native-born citizens faster than any other state, and citizens are forced to contend with celebrities stealing their cake. Reported one local, "Bitch stole my cake!"