Monday, September 21, 2009

From Mezz0:
Killing the Buddha

Last night's dream:

I was in a Buddhist temple, pressing my face down onto the floor along with everyone else as a sign of respect. When I returned to a seated position, I noticed monitors hanging above a stage where some sort of presentation was taking place.

I was there for a college lecture or seminar of some sort, and in betweew videos, a professor from a Morom school took the stage and explained why Buddhism was incompatable with Mormonism. I thought she was being disrespectful, so I stood up, interrupting her, and defended Buddhism - the peacful nature of the religion, the psychological benefits to meditation - I was making a good case, and embaressing the professor. She attempted to respond, but I told her to shut up.

The next presentation began, and someone from the temple explained why, from a completely irrational perspective, some sort of benign medical treatment was causing people to die. In my dream, I was feeling as though I had just defended the Buddhists, and then they immediately exposed themselves as silly and superstitous.

I was sitting next to one of my jiu jitsu buddies. We looked at each other and nodded, knowing immediately that we needed to leave in a mixture of disgust and resignation, but mostly resignation. We walked up through the aisle, and into a back room. As we crossed through the back room and out the door, I threw a copy of "Getting Things Done into the garbage.


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