Saturday, August 25, 2007

From Mezz0:
Help me scrape the mucus off my brain

I never thought at 30 years I would still be playing video games, but last night, I drank to excess alone playing Command and Conquer - Tiberium Wars on my 24-inch monitor in my underwear with the lights out. Well, not alone exactly as Bob Hope dropped by to give me advice on leveraging the “Peak Tiberium” hypothesis as more than just, like, a guideline to allocating resources away from tiberium harvesters midway through the scenario. Bob suggested using this economic insight as pure gamesmanship, and implored me to taunt my computer opponent rather than ramping up my air cannon defenses. I followed his advice, and horded tiberium, and repeatedly threatened to nationalize all tiberium in the scenario, kick out Nod harvesting corporations, and extend my term in office indefinately to ensure the GDI One Country initiatives were completed. The computer didn't respond.

Needless to say, it took me all night to get past the level, and I’m beginning to think that the “Peak Tiberium” hypothesis is bullshit. Also, I have a nasty headache.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

From Mezz0:
Living in America

This came on tonight, and every time I see it, I wonder is this (clip) an ironic parody of American excess? Is this a warning to Americans that our intractable war with the Soviet Union cannot be won via our vastly superior entertainment industry, and must be won through true grit and hard work? Is the death of Apollo Creed, who dresses up as Uncle Sam prior the fight, a symbol of a dangerous imbalance in the will to win the cold war? Is Rocky's clomping in waste-deep snow on some Godforsaken Siberian field a reference to the war being won through grass roots blue collar American values?

What once was a simplistic, feel good movie, the only movie I have ever attended in which a crowd spontaneously cheered (when Rocky hurt the Russian), is now a much more complex and nuanced view of the American condition in the mid 1980's.

Also, I'm stoned out of my fucking gourd.

Update: Also, what is it about having the Y chromosome that opens up a window to recognizing the genius and, like, the prophecy of Led Zeppelin?