Friday, July 15, 2011

From The Youngest:
Day 4

I lost about 1.5 tomatoes to mold or rot overnight (it got a little cool and humid) so I quickly discarded the bad ones and ushered the remainder into the oven. They've been slowly cooking at 170 degrees all day.

In retrospect, it probably was just rot and I could have left the rest of them outside to finish, but we're only expected to be around 70-75 degrees for the next few days...which is a little cooler than ideal.

Also, some of the tomatoes that I used were over-ripe and a few of the guides I read specifically advised against using over-ripe tomatoes because they tend to rot before finishing.

Anyway, these are staying in the oven until they're done. I'll try another batch outside when we have a few warmer days forecast.

This is the first red pepper that I have ever grown in my entire life.
Fuckin' take
that mother nature!


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