Any park ranger could explain to you that there are colors in the animal kingdom that are representative of danger. Bees are bright yellow and black. Tigers are bright orange and black. Lions are orange and fucking humongous with massive claws and they run like fucking super-fast and they're extremely intimidating and their eyes glow like demon eyes staring out from the depths of hell.

Dangerous plants survive using a similar mechanism. There aren't many among us who would, if looking for a casual snack, take a chance on eating one of these things.
What's really scary is a plant like a raspberry. It looks like it could be a poisonous little's bright red and has spikes around it and shit, but no, it's delicious as hell. If you consider the fact that delicious things are similar in appearance to poisonous things you might think that God is playing a mean trick on all of us...blame it on Cain.
...or doubt that the park ranger knows what the fuck he's talking about in the first place.
This whole post is sidetracked on a complete tangent, though. I appear to be lacking focus. The most interesting part of this whole entry is that I found an image in the process of writing this ...the picture below perfectly sums up the mental image that I first had before I started writing. I wanted to take the idea that there are dangerous looking plants that are fucking scary looking. Nobody would eat them. They are instinctively repulsive to us, as are many other harmful things that we encounter in the natural environment. I wanted to pair that idea with the simple concept that...
Lots of food in our modern diet is similar, but we eat that food regardless. It's no surprise what bad decisions people make on a consistent daily basis if you take a look around at the restaurants that are flourishing. It doesn't take a scientist to realize that this is more healthy than this or this....or that this is better than this. or....well. If the food wasn't filling a hole, it wouldn't be sold.
Karmufflefluger. Sometimes words are inadequate and distracting...they distort things from the initial mental image, which was the whole point of me starting this post. This is all there is to it. There's sort of a running theme that we should be smart enough to recognize by now. I mean, eventually I'm sure we'll evolve to be intrinsically skeptical of any logo, but until then...this image that I stumbled upon seems to illustrate my point without using any words.

Oh, before you go, I would strongly advise everyone to remove the filter when searching Google images. You get some really interesting results.
Also, don't take this attitude as me being preachy. I will shamelessly confess my willingness to devour my favorite dish from any of those places when I'm drunk at 2:00am...or when I just want some comfort during lunch at work...or after a satisfying jog or...
I think I'm drunk. And hungry.
Oh, more awesome old school rap. Biggie Smalls - Every Day Struggle.