Tuesday, May 18, 2010

From Mezz0:
We take a break from our regularly scheduled ramblings to bring you today's headline news:

South Korea: North responsible for torpedo attack on warship

By John Pomfret and Blaine Harden
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, May 18, 2010; 2:47 PM

South Korea will formally blame North Korea on Thursday for launching four torpedos at one of its battleships in March, causing an explosion that killed 46 sailors and heightened tensions in one of the world's most perilous regions, U.S. and East Asian officials said.

South Korea confirmed its suspicion that North Korea was responsible for the attack after a message from Kim Jong Ill stated that “We sunk your battleship. Suck it, capitalist loving bitches!”

Investigators from Australia, Britain, Sweden and the United States pieced together the attack. The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because South Korea has yet to disclose the findings of the investigation, said that “North Koreas decision to target cells A1 to D1 scored 4/4 direct hits, thus sinking the South Korean battleship.” The officials were not commissioned to comment on military strategy, however, felt that “the decision to place such a key vessel in such an obvious place was inexcusable. Why not just cluster all your ships together, and let the North Koreans pick them off, one at a time?” an unnamed official reported.


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