Turns out, this song works for earthquakes too. Just in case you're, like, alone when it happens.
I was a couple of miles from the epicenter, and heard a *boom* like a cannon in the distance on my way to fetch ice for a particularly smooth single malt. A half minute later, I heard a car in the distance thumping bass. The car came closer and closer. When the ice began clinking in my class, I realized it wasn't bass, Julie Andrews wasn't around, and I had never met Jenna Bush. I sprinted to the living room, and hugged my LG LCD big screen TV, and prayed that it would stay secure. Everything in the place that wasn't secured moved slightly. The ceiling fan swung too and fro. And just like that it was over.
No deaths or major structural damage was reported, but some of us last night received an important gift. Some of us understand with a little more clarity what is truly important. What, when faced with imminent rattling, we value most. Needless to say, today I'm going to better secure my big screen to the wall. Thank you, 4.7 Lennox Earthquake 2009. Thank you for teaching me how to live.
Labels: Los Angeles