Sunday, May 10, 2009

From Mezz0:
Happy Sweet Sixteen!


[The Wife] left this card on my desk addressed to you, so I imagine that you are turning 16 some time in the near future. (We Polish-Americans have amazing deductive reasoning, no matter what anyone else says) I'm not sure about your driving situation, but I have a piece of advice from someone who has only had one (multi-car) accidents in 15 years of driving. This advice might contradict what others tell you, but you'll just have to trust that I know what I'm talking about:

- Drive fast
- Take chances
- Speed up on the curves

This is the way to drive. This is the way to live life. Happy birthday and do not show this card to your Mom.





Anonymous Anonymous said...

*speed up through the second half of turns (mezzo is trying to kill you with his "driving" advice")

4:33 PM  

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