Saturday, November 20, 2021
“Hola, amigos. I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but things have been pretty fucked up.” -Jim Anchower
So anyway, back to HFCS. We have the Nips to thank for this invisible enemy, although there is evidence that the United States funded the lab that first produced the key gain-of-function enzyme in the 1960s at a time when Japan couldn’t build a reliable car let alone bioweapon. This was their long play after Nagasaki. They cozied up to us, told us we have huge penises, and then asked us to help them take good ol’ harmless glucose, a simple sugar made by plants, and weaponize it by converting it into fructose (You’re pronouncing the word correctly in your head, yes? FRUCK-TOAST). This demonic alchemy resulted in isoglucose, a chemical that does not exist in caves, or in wet markets, or even in that little bottle of granulated sugar on your grandmother’s kitchen table. Then, in the 1970’s, it “escaped” the lab (i.e. intentionally released), and has now infected food products everywhere, including Tabasco™ flavored Slim Jims™.
“I like Tabasco™ flavored Slim Jims ™” - Mezzo
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). You know that “Fructose” has a short “u”, right? You’ve probably been mispronouncing this word your entire life. It’s not pronounced “frook-tose”. Don’t feel sheepish, just add an “r” to the word that describes what the Executive branch is doing to the American people. Frucking. Fructose. Good job! Words matter, just ask the TERFs.
I know you’re thinking in your high-pitched Michael Jackson voice, “But Mezzo, fructose occurs naturally in nature; in fruits and vegetables, picked lovingly by Guatemalans, and packaged into Blue Apron meals and enjoyed by food-hypochondriacs as part of their gluten-free diet.”
What you’re missing, jackass, is that naturally occurring fructose is mostly harmless as the fiber in fructose-containing foods mitigate spikes in blood sugar. As long as you aren’t eliminating the fiber and mainlining fructose (e.g. drinking Orange Juice), it can contribute to a healthy diet*. Unlike fructose, HFCS is a disease agent that destroys nations from within. Death by a thousand doughnuts. Look at us! Fatty liver disease, obesity, diabetes. And these are just a few of the illnesses that Primera now struggles with after the Bukkakese decided to play God in the laboratory over collateral war damage two decades prior. The goal of war is to “kill people and break things” and we just happened to be more efficient than anyone else in history, but that doesn’t justify the use of biological warfare in retaliation, particularly after we rebuilt the country and taught them how to play baseball**. Today, the cost of obesity in the United States is $150 billion/year, and people don’t care! They’re like “Well, Count Chocula doesn’t have high fructose corn syrup, so what’s the big deal?” which isn’t even a logical argument in the dialectical sense. They are resigned to be poisoned by a large proportion of their processed food. The rotund roll over easily, I guess.
And to think we helped them! How stupid would the United States have to be to provide this type of funding to an enemy! Thank God we learned our lesson! U.S.A! U.S.A!
*I think I was in my 30s prior to learning that fruit juice, from a chemical perspective, is basically the same as soda. At the time, I thought mixing my drinks with grapefruit juice was a prophylactic to the ill-effects of the tremendous amounts of gin & vodka I was drinking, but this is sadly not the case.
**Do you know what our military called the bomb that destroyed Nagasaki? Fat Man. Revenge is a dish best served with sugar on top.
I read a bit of nutrition journalism about HFCS what feels like ten years ago, and bought into the hysteria, believing it to be a uniquely unhealthy form of sugar. Then, I explored further for this post, and to my surprise, it is NOT uniquely unhealthy. It’s cheaper than other types of sugar which is why it is so prevalent, but the real demon is using sugar as an additive, regardless of whether it is glucose, sucrose, fructose, HFCS, or even honey. Added sugar is terribly unhealthy, all types are processed by your body in a similar manner, and it is everywhere.
I have consumed very little sugar since moving to Tampa Bay to the point where even small amounts of sugar tastes overwhelmingly sweet. Mom made meatloaf a few weeks ago, and the sauce, which contained ketchup, tasted like candy. I recently made tuna salad that tasted so sweet I had to double check the ingredients. Can you guess what the pickled relish had in it? HFCS. It wasn’t even sweet relish, which just occurred to me, is sweet because of added sugar and not because of some unique pickle varietal that is naturally sweet. There are 56 types of sugar additives found in 75% of grocery store products! My best gal recently ruined Tabasco™ flavored Slim Jims™ for me, which I should have known were too delicious to be natural.
Monday, November 21, 2011
From Mezz0:
Prince of Persia - Orange Juice/Settling Scores/Steve Jobs
Orange Juice
Amir [1:37 PM]:
Have you ever heard about the moral fiber and the relationship with Orange juice in this video
Mezz0 [1:38 PM]:
Cute guy!
Amir [1:38 PM]:
Very cute, Word
Mezz0 [1:38 PM]:
I think the guy might be cuter than the woman. He has feminine features, doesn’t he?
Amir [1:39 PM]:
Does for sure. both good to have them in the bed
Mezz0 [1:39 PM]:
WTF are you talking about?
Amir [1:40 PM]:
remember you said we do not throw the person from our bed
Mezz0 [1:40 PM]:
Oh right
Mezz0 [1:40 PM]:
You mean you wouldn't kick them out of bed.
Amir [1:40 PM]:
Yes, you got it dude
Mezz0 [1:40 PM]:
I wouldn’t either. The real question is, with that hot guy, is the juice worth the squeeze, or will the juice get in your eye and/or up your nose?
Amir [1:41 PM]:
Booya Colonel – much worth the squeeze
Settling Scores
Amir [12:10 PM]:
suppose to be Directory/incoming/
Mezz0 [12:10 PM]:
So those assholes changed the directory structure without telling us? WTF!
Amir [12:11 PM]:
they add a subdir called incoming which confuse the hell of us
Mezz0 [12:11 PM]:
No shit
Amir [12:11 PM]:
yes shit
Mezz0 [12:11 PM]:
Do you want me to fly to Massachusetts and bash their fucking skulls inside out? You say the word. I will destroy them.
Amir [12:12 PM]:
shitcan them please if it is easy for you
Mezz0 [12:13 PM]:
I am dead serious. I've never liked people from the east coast, and have been looking for an excuse to do this type of thing for years.
Amir [12:14 PM]:
I know, but business is business brother
Mezz0 [12:14 PM]:
No goofing. How soon can you be ready to leave? I will need back up in case they are armed.
Amir [12:14 PM]:
Asap. just ping me. always ready to be backup for my bro
Mezz0 [12:14 PM]:
Do you have any martial arts/fighting skills? Can you shoot straight.
Amir [12:15 PM]:
I can learn it very fast. Trust me. I am Iranian.
Mezz0 [12:15 PM]:
At the very least, being from Iran, you should know how to plant explosives, right?
Amir [12:15 PM]:
we can even beat them with sticks, how about that?
Mezz0 [12:15 PM]:
I like the way you think.
Amir [12:15 PM]:
it will scare the hell of these guys, cause they are not use to it
Mezz0 [12:16 PM]:
There are no Iranians east of Sandusky, Ohio, I know this for a fact.
Amir [12:16 PM]:
I do not know much above these stuff, I give them some love the format can be sticks or something like that
Mezz0 [12:16 PM]:
Is that code for ass raping?
Amir [12:16 PM]:
you got it, you are esmart
Mezz0 [12:17 PM]:
Thumbs up, bro
Amir [12:17 PM]:
great chat, lets make a commitment. Signed with blood.
Mezz0 [12:17 PM]:
I'll meet you out front in twenty minutes. Don't forget to bring your toothbrush and a change of underwear.
Amir [12:17 PM]:
I copy that
Mezz0 [12:18 PM]:
This might be a one way trip, so I suggest you use your time to say your good bye's to your loved ones.
Amir [12:18 PM]:
I will text them
Mezz0 [12:18 PM]:
Good idea – save time.
Amir [12:18 PM]:
roger roger
Mezz0 [12:19 PM]:
Over and out, Captain
Amir [12:19 PM]:
over, inner and more inner Colonel Duke
Steve Jobs Death
Mezz0 [4:26 PM]:
Amir [4:26 PM]:
Roger, please call me Jobs if you don't mind
Amir [4:26 PM]:
just for today
Mezz0 [4:26 PM]:
Captain Jobs?
Amir [4:27 PM]:
throw it, what
Mezz0 [4:27 PM]:
You were just joking about not being attracted to me, right?
Amir [4:27 PM]:
no goofing otherwise, I will get behind you
Mezz0 [4:28 PM]:
I think I am asking a fair question.
Amir [4:28 PM]:
cause I am a guy
Mezz0 [4:28 PM]:
If I was a woman, would you find me attractive?
Mezz0 [4:28 PM]:
Same personality, but with a woman's body.
Amir [4:28 PM]:
if I was a you, and you were me, you can answer your question?
Mezz0 [4:28 PM]:
Yes, I can
Mezz0 [4:28 PM]:
If you were a woman, and I was single, I would date you.
Amir [4:29 PM]:
I do not have a imaginary mind when it comes to op. sex
Mezz0 [4:29 PM]:
Amir [4:29 PM]:
I prefer real you know what I talking abut right
Mezz0 [4:38 PM]:
Copy that, Captain Jobs
Amir [4:38 PM]:
fo shizle my nizle?
Mezz0 [4:40 PM]:
Copy that, Captain Jobs. I will be honest, this was not the answer I was looking for, and might have to place a little call to the department of homeland security, if you catch my drift.
Amir [4:40 PM]:
Ok colonel, I will say your hot coz don’t make that call
Mezz0 [4:40 PM]:
Amir [4:40 PM]:
Yes sir 100%
Mezz0 [4:40 PM]:
Orange Juice
Amir [1:37 PM]:
Have you ever heard about the moral fiber and the relationship with Orange juice in this video
Mezz0 [1:38 PM]:
Cute guy!
Amir [1:38 PM]:
Very cute, Word
Mezz0 [1:38 PM]:
I think the guy might be cuter than the woman. He has feminine features, doesn’t he?
Amir [1:39 PM]:
Does for sure. both good to have them in the bed
Mezz0 [1:39 PM]:
WTF are you talking about?
Amir [1:40 PM]:
remember you said we do not throw the person from our bed
Mezz0 [1:40 PM]:
Oh right
Mezz0 [1:40 PM]:
You mean you wouldn't kick them out of bed.
Amir [1:40 PM]:
Yes, you got it dude
Mezz0 [1:40 PM]:
I wouldn’t either. The real question is, with that hot guy, is the juice worth the squeeze, or will the juice get in your eye and/or up your nose?
Amir [1:41 PM]:
Booya Colonel – much worth the squeeze
Settling Scores
Amir [12:10 PM]:
suppose to be Directory/incoming/
Mezz0 [12:10 PM]:
So those assholes changed the directory structure without telling us? WTF!
Amir [12:11 PM]:
they add a subdir called incoming which confuse the hell of us
Mezz0 [12:11 PM]:
No shit
Amir [12:11 PM]:
yes shit
Mezz0 [12:11 PM]:
Do you want me to fly to Massachusetts and bash their fucking skulls inside out? You say the word. I will destroy them.
Amir [12:12 PM]:
shitcan them please if it is easy for you
Mezz0 [12:13 PM]:
I am dead serious. I've never liked people from the east coast, and have been looking for an excuse to do this type of thing for years.
Amir [12:14 PM]:
I know, but business is business brother
Mezz0 [12:14 PM]:
No goofing. How soon can you be ready to leave? I will need back up in case they are armed.
Amir [12:14 PM]:
Asap. just ping me. always ready to be backup for my bro
Mezz0 [12:14 PM]:
Do you have any martial arts/fighting skills? Can you shoot straight.
Amir [12:15 PM]:
I can learn it very fast. Trust me. I am Iranian.
Mezz0 [12:15 PM]:
At the very least, being from Iran, you should know how to plant explosives, right?
Amir [12:15 PM]:
we can even beat them with sticks, how about that?
Mezz0 [12:15 PM]:
I like the way you think.
Amir [12:15 PM]:
it will scare the hell of these guys, cause they are not use to it
Mezz0 [12:16 PM]:
There are no Iranians east of Sandusky, Ohio, I know this for a fact.
Amir [12:16 PM]:
I do not know much above these stuff, I give them some love the format can be sticks or something like that
Mezz0 [12:16 PM]:
Is that code for ass raping?
Amir [12:16 PM]:
you got it, you are esmart
Mezz0 [12:17 PM]:
Thumbs up, bro
Amir [12:17 PM]:
great chat, lets make a commitment. Signed with blood.
Mezz0 [12:17 PM]:
I'll meet you out front in twenty minutes. Don't forget to bring your toothbrush and a change of underwear.
Amir [12:17 PM]:
I copy that
Mezz0 [12:18 PM]:
This might be a one way trip, so I suggest you use your time to say your good bye's to your loved ones.
Amir [12:18 PM]:
I will text them
Mezz0 [12:18 PM]:
Good idea – save time.
Amir [12:18 PM]:
roger roger
Mezz0 [12:19 PM]:
Over and out, Captain
Amir [12:19 PM]:
over, inner and more inner Colonel Duke
Steve Jobs Death
Mezz0 [4:26 PM]:
Amir [4:26 PM]:
Roger, please call me Jobs if you don't mind
Amir [4:26 PM]:
just for today
Mezz0 [4:26 PM]:
Captain Jobs?
Amir [4:27 PM]:
throw it, what
Mezz0 [4:27 PM]:
You were just joking about not being attracted to me, right?
Amir [4:27 PM]:
no goofing otherwise, I will get behind you
Mezz0 [4:28 PM]:
I think I am asking a fair question.
Amir [4:28 PM]:
cause I am a guy
Mezz0 [4:28 PM]:
If I was a woman, would you find me attractive?
Mezz0 [4:28 PM]:
Same personality, but with a woman's body.
Amir [4:28 PM]:
if I was a you, and you were me, you can answer your question?
Mezz0 [4:28 PM]:
Yes, I can
Mezz0 [4:28 PM]:
If you were a woman, and I was single, I would date you.
Amir [4:29 PM]:
I do not have a imaginary mind when it comes to op. sex
Mezz0 [4:29 PM]:
Amir [4:29 PM]:
I prefer real you know what I talking abut right
Mezz0 [4:38 PM]:
Copy that, Captain Jobs
Amir [4:38 PM]:
fo shizle my nizle?
Mezz0 [4:40 PM]:
Copy that, Captain Jobs. I will be honest, this was not the answer I was looking for, and might have to place a little call to the department of homeland security, if you catch my drift.
Amir [4:40 PM]:
Ok colonel, I will say your hot coz don’t make that call
Mezz0 [4:40 PM]:
Amir [4:40 PM]:
Yes sir 100%
Mezz0 [4:40 PM]:
Labels: Prince of Persia
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
From The Youngest:
Better Than Drugs

Whenever I take the time to grill, something magical happens. I'm not sure if it takes place during the cooking...the preperation...I don't know at what point some supernatural mixture of garlic and olive oil (or maybe onion?) combine to release the Almighty. I don't pretend to understand. All I do is grill like I know how to grill...but when the time comes to sit down and eat my creation, I experience a feeling that can only be described as Absolute Internal Satisfaction...and to say that this level of pleasure was formed by my hands alone would be foolish.

During the first few bites of the meal (be it a greasy cheeseburger or a delectable chicken breast), my perception will shift, as if the lights around me just got brighter, or a veil was being lifted off of my head. My vision seems wider and deeper. Time grinds to a halt as the food in front of me disappears. My pleasure seems timeless and limitless. As if the entire universe, the time that existed before the meal and the time that will come after it, was created just for me to experience the juicy wonder of this chicken breast and these perfectly roasted side items.
As one might expect, I overeat shamelessly during these meals. Unwilling to stop myself from experiencing wave after wave of pure, unadulterated ecstasy.
If God could grill the perfect chicken sandwich, custom-made just for me, it would be this.
And so it was.

Fresh corn-on-the-cob, red peppers, and tomatoes from my garden...marinated with garlic, dressing, some spices...a large store-bought onion. Chicken breasts marinated in a similar mixture, grilled and smothered in melted pepper jack cheese. A perfectly toasted sesame seed bun.
Fuck yeah.

This must be how Buddha's belly feels all the time.
Whenever I take the time to grill, something magical happens. I'm not sure if it takes place during the cooking...the preperation...I don't know at what point some supernatural mixture of garlic and olive oil (or maybe onion?) combine to release the Almighty. I don't pretend to understand. All I do is grill like I know how to grill...but when the time comes to sit down and eat my creation, I experience a feeling that can only be described as Absolute Internal Satisfaction...and to say that this level of pleasure was formed by my hands alone would be foolish.

During the first few bites of the meal (be it a greasy cheeseburger or a delectable chicken breast), my perception will shift, as if the lights around me just got brighter, or a veil was being lifted off of my head. My vision seems wider and deeper. Time grinds to a halt as the food in front of me disappears. My pleasure seems timeless and limitless. As if the entire universe, the time that existed before the meal and the time that will come after it, was created just for me to experience the juicy wonder of this chicken breast and these perfectly roasted side items.
As one might expect, I overeat shamelessly during these meals. Unwilling to stop myself from experiencing wave after wave of pure, unadulterated ecstasy.
If God could grill the perfect chicken sandwich, custom-made just for me, it would be this.
And so it was.
Fresh corn-on-the-cob, red peppers, and tomatoes from my garden...marinated with garlic, dressing, some spices...a large store-bought onion. Chicken breasts marinated in a similar mixture, grilled and smothered in melted pepper jack cheese. A perfectly toasted sesame seed bun.
Fuck yeah.
This must be how Buddha's belly feels all the time.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
From The Youngest:
Day 4

I lost about 1.5 tomatoes to mold or rot overnight (it got a little cool and humid) so I quickly discarded the bad ones and ushered the remainder into the oven. They've been slowly cooking at 170 degrees all day.
In retrospect, it probably was just rot and I could have left the rest of them outside to finish, but we're only expected to be around 70-75 degrees for the next few days...which is a little cooler than ideal.
Also, some of the tomatoes that I used were over-ripe and a few of the guides I read specifically advised against using over-ripe tomatoes because they tend to rot before finishing.
Anyway, these are staying in the oven until they're done. I'll try another batch outside when we have a few warmer days forecast.
This is the first red pepper that I have ever grown in my entire life.
Fuckin' take that mother nature!
I lost about 1.5 tomatoes to mold or rot overnight (it got a little cool and humid) so I quickly discarded the bad ones and ushered the remainder into the oven. They've been slowly cooking at 170 degrees all day.
In retrospect, it probably was just rot and I could have left the rest of them outside to finish, but we're only expected to be around 70-75 degrees for the next few days...which is a little cooler than ideal.
Also, some of the tomatoes that I used were over-ripe and a few of the guides I read specifically advised against using over-ripe tomatoes because they tend to rot before finishing.
Anyway, these are staying in the oven until they're done. I'll try another batch outside when we have a few warmer days forecast.
This is the first red pepper that I have ever grown in my entire life.
Fuckin' take that mother nature!