Monday, February 23, 2009

From The Youngest:
Sometimes, You Have To Be Able To Laugh At Yourself...
Life is all about the decisions that you make. Currently I am:

1. Baked
2. Listening to Britney Spears' latest album

(America, fuck yeah!)

3. Playing Call Of Duty: World At War (online, getting angry at children)
4. Wearing my glasses
5. In my pajamas
6. Drinking Seagram's Gin mixed with Kool-Aid

8. Using Camel Snus (nicotine candy)
9. Did I mention that I'm a little stoned?

From Mezz0:
Meeting Request

Meeting Request time: 3:30pm - 4:00pm
Location: My office
Attendees: Amir


Please fill up, and empty four small coffee cups worth of water into the plant to the right of my desk. I will be in Chicago and unable to accomplish this myself. Please take the remainder of this meeting time to talk to the plant in soothing tones, and let the plant know that I will return after the weekend. Talking to plants has been proven to make them grow faster and healither, and if there are any dead leaves on my plant when I return, I will hold you responsible.




Sunday, February 15, 2009

From Mezz0:
Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

From Mezz0:
Sesame Street