Thursday, January 01, 2009

From Mezz0:
Key Largo

My review of Key Largo, with the wisdom of an introductory course in screen writing:

"Key Largo" is a classic Humphrey Bogart movie from 1948 that showcases Bogart's massive head. Look at it! His head is the size of his fucking torso! Have you ever seen someone with a head that size? I have once. Some kid in my neighborhood in Duluth, Minnesota had a really big head. We called him, "Big Head." In retrospect, we called him that because pointing out the faults of others is a lot easier on the psyche than holding up a mirror to yourself, regardless of how normal sized your own head may be.

Also, no matter what anyone says about the prudishness of the era (40's & 50's), Key Largo has its edgy moments, for example, graphic incest:

One of the things I loved about movies from this era is that bad guys look like bad guys.

And the hero always wins. It's morally unambiguous.



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