Molly Bloom

Every once in a while I find myself agreeing to things without really knowing why. The muscles in my mouth contract in a way that, when combined with air moving out of my lungs, and the engaging of my larynx and vocal cords, the word "Yes" materializes. Today, I told me boss I would attend a writing class at UCLA, and co-write a screenplay with him. I don't know why I said "Yes," but I think it's because some things are just too ridiculous to say "No" to.

Every once in a while I find myself agreeing to things without really knowing why. The muscles in my mouth contract in a way that, when combined with air moving out of my lungs, and the engaging of my larynx and vocal cords, the word "Yes" materializes. Today, I told me boss I would attend a writing class at UCLA, and co-write a screenplay with him. I don't know why I said "Yes," but I think it's because some things are just too ridiculous to say "No" to.
Labels: My Indian BossMan
any inkling of the topic of said screen play?
The BossMan is full of ideas, but I think he wants to learn how to write before putting ideas on paper.
Personally, I have some good dialog written for an Office Space meets Fight Club, with heart, and hope he isn't looking for us to write some sort of retro 80's Indian movie.
Elephant - 2003 - best damned movie I've seen in a while.
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