E = MC Idol, Incest
Go to cnn.com, click the tab that says "analysis" and watch as you are magically transported to Time magazine articles within CNN's website. I have no fucking idea why this happens, but it does. The same thing would probably happen if you go to http://www.time.com, But there's just something unsettling about typing that into a browser.
Usually I just like browsing the news of the day, primarily focusing on politics, but they always have the "Top Five" which occasionally has something interesting to read.
They hit two home runs recently:
A fascinating article about Albert Einstein and his views on faith and God, which reminds me of a sort of Tom Robbins style of faith...and just so happens to be the only brand of faith that I could say I ever actually felt and believed to be real. (so what if I was on mushrooms)
The best article that I have ever read about a television show. Dead-on analysis of what makes American Idol so ridiculously successful and why it's so appealing to such a large demographic. It's so fucking good, he doesn't even rip on Paula Abdul (who deserves it, that whorish cunt should have disappeared after her "Cold Hearted Snake" video)
And, since the trio here at The Fucking Triumvirate like things in threes, and happen to be related...Time obliged with another story today, topping off this joyous little menage a trois of news with a story about legalizing incest...yeah, I know, third sign of the apocalypse. The second being the legalization of marijuana, the first being Jeb Bush's presidential bid in 2012. This is the only sign of the apocalypse that relates to sex toys, though. Well, without accompanied giggling and cotton mouth, anyway.
This Incestuous
That'll do for now.
Please leave.
Go to cnn.com, click the tab that says "analysis" and watch as you are magically transported to Time magazine articles within CNN's website. I have no fucking idea why this happens, but it does. The same thing would probably happen if you go to http://www.time.com, But there's just something unsettling about typing that into a browser.
Usually I just like browsing the news of the day, primarily focusing on politics, but they always have the "Top Five" which occasionally has something interesting to read.
They hit two home runs recently:
A fascinating article about Albert Einstein and his views on faith and God, which reminds me of a sort of Tom Robbins style of faith...and just so happens to be the only brand of faith that I could say I ever actually felt and believed to be real. (so what if I was on mushrooms)
The best article that I have ever read about a television show. Dead-on analysis of what makes American Idol so ridiculously successful and why it's so appealing to such a large demographic. It's so fucking good, he doesn't even rip on Paula Abdul (who deserves it, that whorish cunt should have disappeared after her "Cold Hearted Snake" video)
And, since the trio here at The Fucking Triumvirate like things in threes, and happen to be related...Time obliged with another story today, topping off this joyous little menage a trois of news with a story about legalizing incest...yeah, I know, third sign of the apocalypse. The second being the legalization of marijuana, the first being Jeb Bush's presidential bid in 2012. This is the only sign of the apocalypse that relates to sex toys, though. Well, without accompanied giggling and cotton mouth, anyway.
This Incestuous
That'll do for now.
Please leave.
It's called "Deism" and is to religion as Libertarianism is to politics.
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