I Don't Know...
how many concerts I've been to, maybe a couple hundred.
Spoiler alert for anyone planning on going.
Tonight, I finally found what I was looking for at Roger Waters' (of Pink Floyd) concert extravaganza The Wall. I've seen my share of gimmicks before; jugglers, lasers, trapeze artists, a stock black guy, exotic dancers...you know the shtick.

But never had I seen a large, inflatable hog featuring anti-imperialistic/corporate graffiti floating amongst a large stadium audience via wire, taunting us, while Nazi-esque imagery dwarfed the the entire scene. I nearly spilled my $9 Bud Light on my Banana Republic jeans when I saw George Dubya and Chairman Mao wearing the trademarked white iPod headphones in a mock Apple commercial a few moments later.
I wondered if the image might also suggest that our world leaders listen to the same music, or "march to the same beat" as it were. Does that suggest that our nations share similar materialistic commonalities and that we are destined to have a super happy fun time dance-a-thon together? Are we not all one people, united in corporations? I hope so too, Roger Waters, I hope so too.
Anyway, I saw it as a hopeful message.
There was also nudity.
Preshow Album - Bob Dylan - Bringin' it All Back Home..also pop culture snippets leading up to the show before the lights dimmed. Lots of Monty Python...Always Look on the Bright Side of Life was the first song played loudly. I didn't see anybody else whistling.
Setbreak - Paul Simon and his African band's Homeless from Graceland. It was slowed down and mixed with weird chanting sounds, which continued through the majority of setbreak, before going back into Homeless until being interrupted by an English voice that politely advised everyone '5 minutes to showtime' repeatedly.
how many concerts I've been to, maybe a couple hundred.
Spoiler alert for anyone planning on going.
Tonight, I finally found what I was looking for at Roger Waters' (of Pink Floyd) concert extravaganza The Wall. I've seen my share of gimmicks before; jugglers, lasers, trapeze artists, a stock black guy, exotic dancers...you know the shtick.

But never had I seen a large, inflatable hog featuring anti-imperialistic/corporate graffiti floating amongst a large stadium audience via wire, taunting us, while Nazi-esque imagery dwarfed the the entire scene. I nearly spilled my $9 Bud Light on my Banana Republic jeans when I saw George Dubya and Chairman Mao wearing the trademarked white iPod headphones in a mock Apple commercial a few moments later.
I wondered if the image might also suggest that our world leaders listen to the same music, or "march to the same beat" as it were. Does that suggest that our nations share similar materialistic commonalities and that we are destined to have a super happy fun time dance-a-thon together? Are we not all one people, united in corporations? I hope so too, Roger Waters, I hope so too.
Anyway, I saw it as a hopeful message.
There was also nudity.
Preshow Album - Bob Dylan - Bringin' it All Back Home..also pop culture snippets leading up to the show before the lights dimmed. Lots of Monty Python...Always Look on the Bright Side of Life was the first song played loudly. I didn't see anybody else whistling.
Setbreak - Paul Simon and his African band's Homeless from Graceland. It was slowed down and mixed with weird chanting sounds, which continued through the majority of setbreak, before going back into Homeless until being interrupted by an English voice that politely advised everyone '5 minutes to showtime' repeatedly.
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