Tuesday, June 09, 2009

From Mezz0:
Borne Back Ceaselessly Into the Past

A friend of mine and I share a hatred for New Trier high school. Today, he sent me an email:

This is great - I refined the results for IL and those dicks at New Trier didn't even crack the top 750 Nationally or the top 15 schools in IL. Enjoy:


I responded with:

As much as I didn't like my high school, or rather, didn't like the attitude of the high schoolers and parents who struck me as people self-conscious about not being a part of the East coast old money aristocracy. (Brief aside here - even if one could afford to be part of the East coast old money aristocracy, wouldn't one prefer to be more down to earth if the trade off was lack of faux Continental culture? Or to put it a differently - if the only way to distinguish yourself from others is to be an asshole, do you really want to distinguish yourself from others?) That being said, my heart bursted with non-hatred for my old High School which beat out those fucking assholes at New Trier, may they all die in a fire - current students, alums, family, and friends.

Thank you for that link. We drink their milkshake.



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